Our Stories

Hebron's Stories

If a story is important, then it must be told. We can portray dreams of what the future may hold, or allow introspection on what has occurred in the past. A story is a narrative that can relay lessons and warnings. A story can teach us about hope and remind us how important and meaningful our lives are. We are unearthing stories about those buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery.

Chyrower Young Friends

he Chyrower Young Friends Society was established in New York by immigrants hailing from Chyrow (Kyriv, Chirov, Khyrov), Ukraine. It functioned as a burial society, and uses the Beth David, Wellwood, and Mount Hebron cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence dates to the 16th century. The community engaged in craft and trade professions, and was active politically and socially. The establishment of charities, organizations, and schools facilitated cultural growth of the town. The Jewish community of Khyriv perished during the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Benjamin Melniker: The Legacy of Batman

Benjamin Melniker was an Emmy winning executive producer who, along with Michael Uslan, purchased the rights to Batman. They became the Producers on the Batman film series and other DC Comics films. Melniker was an Entertainment Attorney, Hollywood producer, Vice President at MGM studios and President and CEO at Jerry Lewis Cinemas. He won an Emmy for Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego. Melniker was involved with some of the most memorable films ever made, including Ben-Hur, Dr. Zhivago, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Gigi. ~ Blog by Renee Meyers

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1st Piusker Benevolent Association

The 1st Piusker Benevolent Association was founded in New York by immigrants from Piaski Luterskie (Piask), Poland. The society was originally known as the "Ershte-Piasker Kranken Unter-shtitsungs Ferayn", and provided sick and death benefits to its members. The Society uses Washington cemetery in Deans, New Jersey and Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens, New York. Initial Jewish presence in Piask dates to the 17th century. The Jewish population of Piask engaged in commerce and trade professions. Communally speaking, the community was well established, having a synagogue, a cemetery, and becoming industrialized through the influx of factories. During the interwar period, the population suffered heavily from anti-semitic attacks and a worsening economy. German and Soviet forces entered the town in September of 1939. Piasks' Jewish community, as well as some from Germany perished during the Holocaust. By the end of the war, only about 35 had survived. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Ismar Elbogen: Rabbi, Scholar & Historian

Rabbi and historian Ismar Elbogen was born in Schildberg (Ostrzeszow, Poland) in 1874. He studied in Breslau at the University and at the Juedisch-theologisches Seminar, receiving his doctorate in 1898 and his rabbinical ordination the following year. Elbogen taught at the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano in Florence from 1899 to 1902 and at the Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin from 1902 to 1938, when he emigrated to the United States. Elbogen was the author of Jewish Liturgy- A Comprehensive History, which was, at the time, the most thorough academic study of Jewish Liturgy ever written. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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1st Bukowiner Congregation

The First Bukowiner Congregation was established in New York by immigrants hailing from Bukovina (Bukowina), a region today divided between Romania and Ukraine. The earliest Jewish settlement in Bukovina dates to the 14th century. The Jews of Bukovina worked as merchants, craftsmen, and workshop owners, facilitating the economic and industrial growth of the town. The Jewish population of Bukovina rose steadily, with there being over 11,000 by the 1840s. The Jewish community of Bukovina mostly perished in the Holocaust following German and Romanian invasion in 1941. Its survivors emigrated to Israel or the United States. May their memories live on. `Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Leon Liebgold: Yiddish Actor

Leon Leibgold was born to parents who were both Yiddish actors. In his youth, Leon worked as a Vaudeville performer. Leibgold was an actor in both the Yiddish theater as well as in Yiddish Lan-guage films. Leibgold gained fame by acting in several Yiddish Language films including Yidl Mitn Fidl and The Dyb-buk. He was also known for his role in the film Tevye. After completing the Dybbuk, Leibgold and his wife, Lili Liana (Leibgold's former costar), escaped the holocaust in 1937 when they left Poland for the United States. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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1st Baranower S & B

The 1st Baranower Sick and Benevolent Society was founded in New York by immigrants from Baranow, Poland. Initial Jewish presence dates to around the 14th century, however, due to the political environment at that time, the Jewish population ceased, and was not re-established until the 18th century. Jewish population increased steadily up until the 19th century. A synagogue and cemetery was established sometime in the 18th century. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Jewish community faced severe economic hardships, resulting in mass migrations to neighboring areas and/or overseas. The Jewish community of Baranow perished in the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Jack Pearl: The Golden Age of Comedy

Jack Pearl was an American Vaudeville performer and a star of early radio. He is best known for his character, Baron Munchausen. He was considered one of the highest paying comedians on radio and one of the funniest men in the nation. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Stuchiner Young Men

The Stuchiner Young Men's Society was established in 1948 by immigrants from Szczuczyn, Poland. Initial Jewish settlement dates to the 18th century. The Jews of Szczuczyn engaged in trade and crafts, working as tailors and shoemakers. The town had a synagogue, multiple heders, prayer houses, a Talmud-Torah school, and a Yeshiva. The community also established and maintained many zionist branches and charities, holding classes and helping those in financial need. The Jewish community of Szczuczyn suffered greatly following the German invasion on September 7th, 1939. The memories of Szczuczyns' Jewish community lives on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Aaron Lebedeff: Yiddish Performer

Aaron Lebedeff was one of the greatest Yiddish performers of all time. He was born for the stage and was one of the top song-and-dance men of the Yiddish Theater. Unlike many of the performers of his time, he composed, wrote the lyrics to and sang and performed all of his material both in English and Yiddish.Lebedeff also produced a number of his shows and appeared in several of them in the 1930's. He was the star of the Second Avenue theatre district for 16 straight seasons. Lebedeff's wrote his Yiddish lyrics in his individual style and one reviewer remarked that they "virtually defied translation with a humor that is difficult to render into English.`Blog by Renee Meyers

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1st Weislitzer Benevolent Association

The First Independent Weislitzer Benevolent Association was founded in 1909 by immigrants hailing from Weislitz (Wislica), Poland. The society, dissolved in 1995, held social events, and provided death and sickness benefits/aid to its members. The society has subsidized burial at the Beth David and Mount Hebron cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence dates to the 16th century. The Jewish community of Wislica engaged in the professions of moneylending and trade, and maintained multiple communal institutions, such as the synagogue, prayer houses, a mikvah, and a cemetery. The Jews of Wislica perished during the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on.

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Pulitzer Prize Winner in Drama

Morrie Ryskind achieved fame as a prolific American dramatist, lyricist and writer off Broadway stage and Hollywood film productions from 1920 through 1945. With George S. Kaufman and Ira Gershwin, he received the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for their political musical "Of thee I Sing." ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Bobrka Benevolent Society

The Bobrka Benevolent Society was established by immigrants hailing from Bobrka, Ukraine. Initial Jewish settlement dates to roughly the 15th/16th century. Jewish population in Bobrka increased steadily until the 1890s. By the 1930s, however, due to the surrounding political and economic situation, many emigrated, with about 1800 Jews remaining in 1931. The Jewish community of Bobrka was well established, maintaining its synagogues, heders, Zionists organizations, and engaging as merchants in trade. The Jewish community became the target of attacks during WWI. Bobrka's Jewish community perished following the German invasion in 1941. In 1944, about 40 Jews returned. Their memories live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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1st Ottynier YMB Assn.

The 1st Ottynier Lodge Society was established by immigrants hailing from Ottynia, Ukraine. Initial Jewish presence dates to around 1635. Ottyniers' Jewish population largely engaged in professions as merchants, craftsmen and factory workers. The social and economic situation of Ottyniers' Jews severely worsened at the outbreak of both World Wars. While there is not much information on the situation surrounding Nazi occupation, we know that Ottyniers' Jews, including those from surrounding areas were transported to Stanislawow and/or the Belzec extermination camp. Today, memorials/monuments stand remembering the lives of memories of Ottynia's Jewish community that perished in the Holocaust. Their memories will continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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The Ethel Barrymore of Second Avenue

Throughout her nearly six decades long career, Jennie Goldstein was beloved by the public and acclaimed by critics for her ability to make audiences cry and for her outstanding voice. When Jennie was young, she played self sacrificing wives, daughters and sweethearts. As she got older, Jennie played Self-Sacrificing wives. Jennie Goldstein lived almost sixty years of Yiddish theater and was one of the main heroines of its' history and one of its main creators. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Independent Reiziner Society

he Independent Reiziner Society was founded in 1913 by immigrants hailing from Ruzhin, Ukraine. The society provided both sick and death benefits to its members. Subsidized burial can be found at Mt. Hebron Cemetery. While there is no concrete date for initial Jewish presence in Ruzhin, we do know that the town's Jewish cemetery began its burials near the mid-1770s. Ruzhin maintained itself as a communal and industrial town, establishing factories of different sorts and erecting hospitals, churches, synagogues, and educational institutions. During WWI, Ukraine was the target of pogroms, with Ruzhins' Jewish population subsequently decreasing. The Jewish community of Ruzhin perished following the German invasion of the town in July of 1941. Today, monuments located at the German killing sites continue to be visited, and the lives of Ruzhins' Jewish community are remembered. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Maurice Schwartz: The Olivier of the Yiddish Stage

Maurice Schwartz became an actor and a producer of Yiddish plays. He founded the Yiddish Art Theater in Manhattan. Schwartz also started an acting school to nurture budding talent. One of his students was Paul Muni who went on to star in 25 of Schwartz's productions. His theater performed a rotating repertoire of nearly 200 plays. Later on in his career, Schwartz was billed as the greatest of all Yiddish actors and the "Olivier of the Yiddish stage". ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Adolph Ullman Aid Society

The Adolph Ullman Society was established in 1898. While the society is not connected to a specific town, its members mostly hail from Austria/Hungary and (mostly Eastern) Galicia. Adolph Ullman himself belonged to a prominent business family active in 19th century Hunga-ry. Jewish life in Austria dates to the tenth century, gaining high recognition by the 1930s for its social and cultural advancements. Following its annexation in 1938, however, the Jewish people were subjected to harsh persecution. By the end of the war, over 65,000 Austrian Jews had per-ished. Following its joining of the Axis Powers in 1940, Jews of Hungary (~500,000) were also subject to persecution and perished. Once having gained full rights following the 1867 constitu-tion, the social, cultural, and religious aspects of Galicia's Jewish community flourished. Today, Galicia lies within the borders of Poland and Ukraine, with its Jewish population largely concentrated towards the East. May their memories live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Harold Huber: American Actor on Film, Radio and TV

Harold Huber was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. He was known for his parts in The Thin Man, Charlie Chan on Broadway and Parachute Jumper. Harold appeared in five Broadway productions. He was a devoted family man to his wife, Ethel and his daughter, Margaret. Huber was described by costars as a "delightful person." After making his credited screen debut in Central Park in 1932, Huber went on to aver-age nearly nine films a year for the next 11 years. He played a range of nationalities from Chinese to Mexican and French. In 1930, he debuted on Broadway in "A Farewell to Arms." Huber was in three more Broadway shows by 1932 and a forth in 1945. Huber was known as an amateur fencing champion and as a scholar with a great interest in and knowledge of antiques who also spoke 5 languages. Movies and radio were a regular part of his career. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Glogow UV Society

The Glogower "UV" Society was founded in 1896 by immigrants who hailed from Glogow (Glogow Malopolski, Glogau (German)), Poland. It was incorporated in 1937. The society provided sick and death benefits. Subsidized burial can be found at Acadia and Mount Hebron (Cedar Grove) Cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence in Glogow, Poland dates to the 13th century. Up until the 1630s, the Jews of Glogow were targets of libels, attacks, and an expulsion. By the 17th century, there were over 1600 members of the Jewish community of Glogow. This number increased to 1800 by the year 1791. Due to many moving to Wrocuaw (Breslaw) and Berlin, the population decreased to 600 by 1925. The remaining 45 Jews of Glogow all perished during the Holocaust. The community was not reestablished following WWII. A monument stands today in memory of them all. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Fred Spira: Inventor & Photography Innovator

Fred Spira (1924-2007) was an inventor and an innovator in photography. He was also a collector of photographic equipment, images, books, and ephemera. Sipra was one of only three individuals who opened up the U.S. market to quality Japanese photographic goods. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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First Dimerer Progressive Association

The first Dimerer Progressive Association was founded in New York (1919) by immigrants hailing from Dymer (Dimer), Ukraine. The society maintained a loan association and helped those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. The earliest known Jewish community in Dymer is known to have existed since/during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth rule. The Jews of Dymer engaged mostly in the areas of trade and craftsmanship. Following the Russian pogroms, the Jewish community decreased significantly. Dymers' entire jewish community perished during German occupation (beginning 1941). Their legacies are carried on by the communal upkeep of the community's Jewish cemetery, and the memorials that have been devoted towards them.~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Brandwein: King of the Klezmer Clarinet

Naftule Brandwein was an Austrian-born Jewish American Klezmer musician,clarinetist, bandleader and recording artist active from the 1910's to the 1940's. Naftule Brandwein is considered to be among the top Klezmer musicians of the twentieth century. Brandwein was also known for his impetuous and boundless life. Many band compositions have become standards and sources of inspiration in the Klezmer music world. Since the revival of Klezmer in the 1970's, a new generation the new generation of Klezmer revives the works of Naftule Brandwein. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Florika Remetier: Prodigy & Women's Rights Leader

Florika Remetier was a 6 year old prodigy violinist. She played with the BBC Orchestra in London and toured with the Baltimore Symphony and the Boston Symphony Orchestras. She appeared on radio and TV as a young violinist. She suffered a mental breakdown as an adolescent that prematurely ended her promising musical career. When she grew up she moved to California and became interested in the Women's Liberation movement. She joined the New York Radical Women (NYRW) and she co-founded the feminist guerrilla theater group W.I.T.C.H.

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Independent Chernowitzer Society

The Independent Chernolitzer Society was established by immigrants hailing from what is today recognized as Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Prior to the World Wars and during the interwar period, the city passed through the hands of Austrian, Romanian, German and Soviet occupation, resulting in its name changing. This is important to note since birthplaces on official documents reflect the country that was occupying the city at that time. The earliest Jewish community of Chernivtsi dates to 1408. The Jewish community of Chernivtsi contributed greatly to the commercial, political, cultural, and academic growth of the city. Up until the First World War, the population increased steadily, however following the Second World War, its survivors left for Poland, Romania, Palestine, and Israel on travel visas. Today, there are only about 1500 Jews in Chernivtsi, with one functioning synagogue. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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Gregory Ratoff: Producer, Director & Actor

Gregory Ratoff was a Russian born American man who was famous for performing in all three capacities including producing, directing and acting. . His most famous role was portraying the Broadway producer Max Fabian in "All About Eve." As a film director, Ratoff , one of his most notable film credits was directing the classic, "Intermezzo: A love story." Ratoff was one of the two producers to have purchased and developed the original rights to the James Bond franchise from Ian Fleming in the 1950's.

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Ludwig Satz: Yiddish Comedian

Ludwig Satz was a Yiddish comedian. He was born in Lvov, Poland. In 1910 he joined a troupe of Yiddish actors. he played in Gordin's Got and Mentsch under Taivi. He appeared in Budapest and London and achieved Broadway success as Abe Potash in Potash and Perlmutter. He also acted with Jacob Adler and Maurice Schwartz. Ludwig performed in Boris Thomashefsky's Yiddish Venture on Broadway. He later toured Europe and South America. In 1925, a New York Times article stated that Ludwig Satz was the greatest Yiddish comic actor of all time. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Marvin Wilbur Kaplan: American Comedian

Marvin Wilbur Kaplan was born on January 24, 1927, in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Dr. I. E. Kaplan and his wife. He attended Public School 16, and Junior High School 50 and graduated from Eastern District High School in 1943. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a bachelor's degree in English in 1947 and later took classes in theater at the University of Southern California. Kaplan gained early-stage experience at a Los Angeles theater, working as stage manager on a production of ''Rain''. For many years, Kaplan was a member of Theatre West, the oldest continually-operating theatre company in Los Angeles. He performed in many plays there and elsewhere. Kaplan had a regular role in the radio sitcom and later television version of Meet Millie as Alfred Prinzmetal, an aspiring poet-composer. The program ran from 1951–54 on radio and continued on television from 1952–56. He was also a playwright and screenwriter. He was an American actor, playwright and screenwriter who was best known as Henry Beesmeyer in Alice (1978–1985). ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Independent Kinsker Aid

The Independent Kinsker Aid Society was founded in New York in 1904 by immigrants from Konskie, Poland. The society maintained a relief committee after World War II, which aided survivors who came to the U.S. The society also sent food packages to the landslayt in Israel. Research has shown that initial Jewish presence in Konskie began around the 16th century. The Jewish community worked in the areas of trade and craft. Many owned businesses and factories, contributing greatly to the economic and social stability of Konskie. The Jews of Konskie were also involved politically, forming Zionists groups and creating communal organizations. In September of 1939, Germans invaded Poland. A ghetto was established, holding 10,000 Jews (from Konskie and other Polish cities such as Lodz, and Sosnoweic). In November of 1942, the ghetto began to be liquidated. Those who survived the liquidation were sent to the Szydlowiec ghetto. Today, a plaque stands commemorating the lives and memories of Konskies' Jewish community.

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Shep Fields: American Jazz Band Leader

Shep Fields was a popular jazz band leader of the 1930s and '40s, best known for his "Rippling Rhythm" trademark, which featured Fields blowing bubbles into a bowl of water at the beginning of every song and wood-block playing by the band's drummer. Among the highlights of Shep Fields career was his band being featured in the film "The Big Broadcast of 1938," which starred W.C. Fields and Bob Hope, and conducting his band. He had his own NBC coast-to-coast radio broadcast and conducted his orchestra at the Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles in 1939.

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Nathan Kaplan: Murder, Inc.

"Kid Dropper" Nathan Caplin or Kaplan, also known as Jack the Dropper, was an American gangster who controlled labor racketeering and extortion in New York City during the post-World War I period into the early years of Prohibition in the early 1920s.

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Louis Gibbs: NY Supreme Court Justice

Louis D. Gibbs had been a member of the New York Supreme Court, served in the Legislature and was then elected as the first Judge of the Bronx County. Subsequently, Judge Gibbs was re-elected and his performance on the bench was so popular that he was endorsed by both parties.

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Morris Kessler: Bodyguard to Murder, Inc

Morris Kessler was the personal chauffeur and a mobster working with Joseph Amberg, one of the leaders of a criminal organization. Morris was murdered as he and Amberg were about to collect "protection money" from neighborhood barbershops and restaurants. Their executioners, believed to be from Murder, Inc. organization, machine-gunned them to death. Morris was only 23 years old. This crime has remained unsolved.

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Asher Selig Grossinger: The Waldorf of the Catskills

In 1913, Asher Selig Grossinger purchased a farm in the Catskill Mountains as well as close to 2,000 other immigrant families. They became mega successful. Not all of these Jewish farmers /hoteliers were as successful as the Asher Grossinger. The Catskills ended up with the largest populations of Jewish farmers in the United States. Selig wanted to be a farmer. However, a series of failed businesses left him in poor health. The doctors told Selig to move to the country. Asher discovered that he could make money renting rooms to visitors Their business quickly grew beyond what the former farmhouse could handle. Selig and his wife Malke sold Longbrook House and purchased a large house with the 100 acres and called it Grossinger Terrace Hill House. The Hotel continued to grow but it grew exponentially under his daughter, Jennie. After Selig passed away, Jeanne built Grossingers into a sprawling complex of 35 buildings on 1,200,00. acres that served 150,000 guests a year.

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The Beer Baron of The Lower East Side

Irving "Waxey" Gordon was dubbed one of the Prohibition Era's most sinister underworld figures. He began as a common pick pocket and ended as the head of a nationwide narcotics ring. In a "profession" where many men died in a hail of bullets or were sent to jail for half of their lives, Irving was a survivor. His criminal career endured for nearly 50 years from 1905 to 1952. In that period, he had some close calls and made more than a few enemies. He spent a total of 14 years in prison- the longest stretch was from 1933-1940. He spent decades as a thief, gangster, tax cheat and bootlegger. Irving "Waxey" Gordon was a career criminal and knew no other way to live his life. Blog by Renee Meyers

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Adler's Young Mens Independent Association

The Adler's Young Mens Independent Association was founded in New York in 1884 by immigrants from Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania. Named after Rabbi Israel Salander Adler, the association provided sick and death benefits, and functioned as a burial society. The society also maintained both a free loan fund and relief fund. The society (dissolved in 2002) uses Mount Hebron Cemetery and Washington Cemetery. Having settled in 1410, the Jews of Kovno engaged in numerous professions and endorsed both religious and cultural life. Many were exiled following the Soviet invasion of Lithuania in June of 1940. After German occupation later that month, about 35,000 people were relocated into the Kovno ghetto. Many were either deported or killed at Fort IX. When the town was liberated by the Soviet Army in August of 1944, only about 500 had survived. We are able to learn of the experiences of those who perished by way of their diary entries, photographs, and drawings. May their memory live on.

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Judge Murray Gurfein

Judge Murray Gurfein was a distinguished lawyer whose career spanned nearly 50 years. He was also active in many Jewish affairs over the course of his life. Judge Gurfein was a tenacious attorney who tried famous cases, a war crimes Prosecutor at Nuremberg, a distinguished civil and criminal trial lawyer and a federal jurist on district and appeals court benches in Manhattan. Judge Gurfein presided over scores of complex tax, anti trust and Securities cases as well as many criminal trials, school desegregation suits and complex trial issues ranging from price fixing to paternity questions. He received national prominence with his ruling on the Pentagon Papers case that became the hallmark of his judicial career.

  • Published: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
  • Category: Notable
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Bendiner Warschauer Benevolent Society

The Bendiner Warschauer Benevolent Society was a burial society founded in New York by immigrants from Warsaw and Bendin (Bedzin), Poland. The society uses both Mt. Hebron cemetery and the Beth-El cemeteries of New York and New Jersey.

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Max Jacobson aka

Max Jacobson was a German Refugee who moved to N.Y.C and established a practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. His practice catered to writers, musicians, politicians and entertainers. His popularity and his nicknames "Dr. Feelgood" and "Miracle Max" came from his vitamin injections which got their kick from 30-50 milligrams of amphetamines (speed) mix in with other things. Dr. Jacobson's most famous patients were JFK and his wife, Jackie. Some patients had bad reactions or died from these injections. Dr. Jacobson was investigated and charged with unprofessional conduct. His medical license was revoked. Dr. Jacobson applied to have his license reinstated a few years later. However, his application was denied and he died several months later.

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Adele Ginsberg a.k.a. Mama "G"

She was insistent on decorating the Jewish Theological Seminary's sukkah, which would be named in her memory. She used the status of her husband to encourage and educate Jewish women especially to think forward and on their own terms, keeping a separation of church and state so as not to muddy the two equally important pillars of life. Blog by Rebecca Winn

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Leader of the Country's Largest Crime Syndicate

Louis "Lepke" Buchalter was an American Jewish Organized Crime figure and head of the Mafia hit squad and Murder Inc during the 1930s and one of the premier labor union racketeers. during that era. He paired up with the mobsters that would make his career. Buchalter together with Jacob "Gurrah".Shapiro infiltrated the unions that represented New York's garment industry workers. This scheme that would last Buchalter's entire career. The mob run unions would threaten strikes unless management paid the union bosses and the bosses would rob the unions. Buchalter eventually built up his labor scam into a small empire. He partnered with future Italian Mafia boss, Tony Lucchese to run the garment industry. This venture made him extremely wealthy. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Rabbi Louis Finkelstein

Rabbi Louis Finkelstein was the Chancellor Emeritus of the Jewish Theological Seminary of American and the main leader of conservative Judaism in the 20th Century. As the head of the largest denomination of Judaism in America, Rabbi Finkelstein made such significant accomplishments throughout his life that he became an American celebrity who hob knobbed with religious leaders of many denominations, celebrities as well as US presidents. Rabbi Finkelstein was the advisor to Jewish affairs to President Franklin Roosevelt. He prayed at the inauguration of President Dwight Eisenhower and was invited by President John Kennedy to join the American delegation sent to the Vatican for the installation of Pope Paul Vl. President Richard Nixon invited Rabbi Finkelstein to give a sermon at the White House.

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Michael Lipenholtz : Leader of the Partisans

Michael Lipenholtz considered himself to be a Jack of all Trades. Technical jobs were his specialty including electrical work and plumbing. He also knew how to pick locks and how to handle guns. Other Partisans found Michael to be an intelligent man whom they all could rely on. He was chosen to be the Leader of the Partisans in Vilna. Both during and after the war, people would seek out Michael's help and advice due to his expertise in many areas. Michael Lipenholtz was a multi talented leader who used his gifts to help both himself and others survive the War.

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Pressburger Sick & Benevolent Society

he Pressburger Sick and Benevolent Society was founded in New York by immigrants from Bratislava, Slovakia. The society was dissolved in the 1970s. Jewish presence in Bratislava dates to the 13th century, however due to repeated expulsions, the Jewish community was not able to permanently settle in the town until the 17th century. The Jews of Bratislava flourished in the textile trades, commerce, and moneylending professions. The community established religious and communal institutions such as yeshivas, hospitals, and cemeteries. Charity organizations were also established to help aid those in need. The Jews of Bratislava were very politically involved. Prior to the outbreak of WWII, the Jewish community of Bratislava was subjected to extreme anti-Jewish legislations and decrees. This resulted in the loss of their shops, homes, and livelihoods. The Jewish community of Bratislava perished during the Holocaust. After liberation, the Jewish community was restored, however many began to flee following the Soviet invasion in 1968. By the early 2000's, there were less than 1000 Jews residing in the town.

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A Legend In the Rabbinical Community

Rabbi Sidney Kleiman was a Rabbi who was known for his inspiring speeches,community service, and his ability to relate to Jews of all ages and from all walks of life. He was both the longest serving and the oldest active Congregational Rabbi in the United States. Rabbi Kleiman was at thehelm of Congregation Adereth El for close to 60 years. He succeeded in building up the Shul by bringing many people into the fold and introducing new Congregants to the beauty and faith within the walls of Adereth El.

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George Zaslavsky:Physics of Dynamic Chaos

George Zaslavsky was a Soviet mathematical physicist and one of the founders of dynamical chaos. His intellectual strength is reflected in his many contributions to dynamical systems theory, classical and quantum chaos, plasma physics and statistical mathematics. He touched the lives of countless people in or out of the scientific world and left a great legacy, both personal and professional.

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Dr. Eric J. Nash: Holocaust Survivor

. Eric J. Nash was a determined man. Determined to stay alive. Eric did everything he could to survive, mostly because of his incessant longing to see his family again. Many times, Eric thought it would be much easier to just stop fighting and give up. He could simply stop caring about life, sit down and eventually die. Like a Musselman. It was so much harder to stay alive. But for Eric Nash, this was his only option.

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Lomzer Young Men's Benevolent Association

The Lomzer Young Men's Benevolent Association was founded in New York in 1898 by immigrants from Lomza, Poland. The society was created as a means to aid landslayts. In 1937, the society joined with four other Lomzer organizations, and together, formed the United Lomzer Relief Committee to aid the inhabitants of Lomza. The society also sponsored loan funds that went towards aiding the poor. Jewish presence in Lomza dates to the 14th century, however due to a "non de tolerandis Judaeis", the Jews of Lomza were only able to begin establishing themselves as a community by the 19th century. They flourished in the trade and artisan professions and created a number of industrial societies. The Jewish community of Lomza equally took part in politics, supporting the Zionist Movement, and creating political organizations to endorse Jewish activism. The community also maintained a number of cultural organizations and institutions such as libraries and theater groups.

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Makower Young Men's Aid Society

The Makower Young Men's Aid Society was founded by immigrants from Makow, Poland in 1907. The society is affiliated with United Relief, which was established after WWI to help aid "landslayts" (neighboring Jews). It was re-established after 1945 to help aid WWII survivors. The Jews of Makow made a comfortable living by engaging in the trade and artisan professions. Communally, they established two cemeteries, synagogues, schools for the youths, libraries, and a cultural/education theater program. Despite the economic and political environment of the 1930s, the Jews of Makow maintained their own, engaging in the growing Zionist efforts and creating societies. The ~4000 Jews of Makow perished in the Holocaust, but their memories live on.

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1st Radomer Congregation

The first Radomer Congregation was founded in New York in 1903 by immigrants from Radom, Poland. In 1917, the society founded the United Radomer Relief for U.S. and Canada. Although they began residing in the town in the 1560s, permission to do so was repeatedly revoked. It was not until 1814 that the Jews of Radom were able to live and move freely within the town. The community was then able to establish itself more concretely, beginning the works for a cemetery, a synagogue, a hospital, and other communal institutions. The Jewish community made their living in the trade, artisan, and banking professions. They also facilitated and contributed to the industrialization of the town through an influx of factories. Many left Radom and Poland in the 1930s due to pogroms and a worsening economy. Following the German invasion in 1939, almost 32,000 Jews (Radom and neighboring towns) perished in the Holocaust. In 1965, only 7 of Radom's Jews remained in the town.

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Eta Lipenholtz: Her Gratitude to Those Who Saved H

Eta Lipenholtz was saved by two significant people in her life: a maid and the Polish man who hid her and her family. Eta has never forgotten these two non Jews who risked their lives to save her and other Jews. They are called The Righteous Among The Nations. `Blog by Renee Meyers

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Clara Hirschhorn: The Smallest Survivor

Clara was repeatedly told that she looked as tiny as an 8-year-old when she was 14! Yet she survived. Clara was interred in 3 concentration camps where she was always the smallest. Yet she survived. Clara was selected by Mengele ten times due to her size. Yet she survived. Clara started to think that death would be preferable to her life in Hell. Yet she survived. Clara Gluck Hirschhorn was, in the truest sense of the word, a survivor. ~Blog by Renee Meyers

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Kutner Young Men's Benevolent Association

he Independent Kutner Young Men's Benevolent Association was established in 1903 in New York by immigrants from Kutno, Poland. The society provided death benefits and welfare aid to its members. The society uses Mount Hebron cemetery, Cedar Grove cemetery, and the Wellwood cemeteries of Queens and Babylon. While the town's history dates to the 14th century, documentation marks Jewish presence to the 15th century. Professions in crafts and trade were prominent among the Jews of Kutno. Despite their communal-restricted lifestyle, the Jewish community flourished, holding weekly fairs, establishing schools, promoting communal infrastructure, and forming unions. During the twentieth century, the Jews of Kutno involved themselves politically by taking part in government elections and Zionists organizations. From September of 1939 to March of 1942, the Germans implemented the harsh treatment and mass executions of Kutno's Jews. By the end of the war, only 213 Jews from Kutno had survived.

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1st Ostrowzer Young Men's Benevolent Society

The First Ostrowzer Young Men's Benevolent Society, founded by immigrants from Ostrovtse (Ostrowiec), Poland, was created in New York around 1910. The society was dissolved in 2001. Dating their initial presence in the 17th century, the Jewish community of Ostrowiec was economically and communally comfortable. With their own synagogue, a cemetery, and the effects of industrialization, the community grew. Their participation in the 19th century uprisings and Zionists movements allowed the Ostroweic Jews to establish themselves politically. The weakened economy of Poland during World War I resulted in many fleeing abroad. The town of Ostroweic was captured by the Germans following their invasion of Poland in 1939. When the town was liberated by the Red Army in 1945, only 193 Jews remained, with over 10,000 having perished in the labor and concentration camps.

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The Life and Influence of Emanuel Streisand

He was the father of the timeless Barbara Streisand, a loving Jewish husband. and great educator of his time. "I must have gotten my detailed, obsessive streak from my father, because my mother wasn't like me at all", Barbara was quoted in the biography Barbra Streisand Redefining Beauty, Femininity, and Power by Neal Gabler. Even though she would lose him at only 15 months old, the legacy and influence her father left behind would become a driving force in his daughter's life.

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Enoch Trencher: A Boy With Good Survival Skills

Enoch Trencher was a Polish survivor. He was just 13 years old when his family was caught in a Nazi roundup. Throughout the war, Enoch demonstrated many times over just how clever he was and how strong his survival instincts were. Enoch always looked for ways to outsmart the system and stay one step ahead of the Nazi machine. He contrived schemes and colluded with other inmates with his objectives being to obtain food, maintain good heath and stay alive. Enoch had many close calls during the years that he was shuttled between nine concentration camps. However, Enoch always managed to triumph and he repeatedly credited Divine Protection for his survival.

  • Published: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
  • Category: Survivors
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Molly Picon - Di Yidishe Helen Hayes

Molly Picon was known as the great comedienne of the Yiddish Theater over a career that lasted nearly 90 years. She was the star of the Yiddish and English-speaking stage, motion pictures,radio and television. Picon's work after the war is significant. She performed comic song and dance performances for people in the DP camps in Europe and worked with Jewish refugees. Picon understood that entertainment was a way to connect people to their Jewish heritage after all they had endured. Molly Picon was a true star with universal appeal: across nations, languages, cultures and religions. Blog by Renee Meyers

  • Published: Friday, May 10, 2024
  • Category: Famous
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1st Zabna Congregation

The First Zabna Congregation (Erste Zabner Congregation Bnei Shulem David) was founded in New York by immigrants from Żabno, Poland. The society was founded in 1922, and dissolved in 1999. When Jews first settled in the town of Żabno, they were given a number of privileges, such as permission to open/run their businesses, engage in local trade, and have their own place of worship. This allowed them to develop themselves as a community and flourish. Throughout the 18th and 19th century, the Jewish population of Żabno was contingent upon Poland's economy. The 20th century marks the steady decline of Żabno's Jewish population as a result of extreme poverty and devastation from both World Wars. As a result, many Jews left the town, either traveling overseas or settling in nearby areas like Denmark and Saxony.

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Ernest Michel: Auschwitz Survivor & Philanthropist

Ernest W. Michel's truly extraordinary life included many remarkable accomplishments. Among these were surviving both Auschwitz and a forced death march, becoming a correspondent for the German General News Agency, being offered the opportunity to interview Hermann Goering, becoming head of the then largest Jewish Philanthropic organization globally and raising billions for Jewish causes. Ernest Michel passed away in May, 2016 between Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day), which is very touching and impactful. His commitment to justice, resilience and total dedication to Jewish causes will leave a permanent mark on future generations of Jews. His legacy continues to influence and elevate those who follow his path. Blog by Renee Meyers

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Herta Zauberman: Saved by a Split-Second Decision

Herta Munk Zauberman lost her entire family in World War 2. She was sent to several Concentration camps where she saw her friends and fellow Jews tortured and murdered. Herta herself was starved and beaten. When she was on a Death March, Herta made a split-second decision that would save her life. She usually was not one to take chances and usually followed orders. But this time, Herta had had enough. She did not follow her instincts, took a gamble, and ultimately won. Blog by Renee Meyers

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Pesach Burstein: Giant in the Yiddish Theater

Pesach Burstein was just a teenager when he joined a Yiddish Theatrical Troupe in Russia. Shortly after arriving in the USA, he became a major Star in the Yiddish Theatre. Pesach recorded over 300 discs of Yiddish songs and his voice soon became one of the best known in Yiddish music. Pesach was a multi-talented performer. He was a singer, dancer, comedian, coupletist, stage whistler and director. Pesach formed a Troupe with his wife and children called "The Four Burstein's." The group toured internationally and made a name for themselves bringing Yiddish language productions to Yiddish speaking audiences around the world.

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Kossuth Ferencz Hungarian Literary, Sick, and Ben

The Kossuth Ferencz Hungarian Literary, Sick, and Benevolent Association was founded in 1904 to help Jewish immigrants from Hungary who settled in New York City. Through membership dues and fundraising events, the group was able to help newcomers make a smoother transition to life in America with affordable medical attention, social activities, literacy assistance, and burial arrangements. This non-profit society, later incorporated as the Kossuth Association of New York, was named for a former Minister of Commerce in Hungary who, like his father Lajos Kossuth, was a dedicated advocate for Hungarian independence. Since Mount Hebron was established, nearly 600 members and their relatives have been buried in the Kossuth Association section, which features stately pillars and gates honoring the group's male and female leaders, all immigrants themselves. - Written by Marian Burk Wood, a descendant of Kossuth founders.

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Shifra Lerer: Yiddish Star of Stage and Screen

Shifra got her start in show business at the tender age of 8 when she began to act in children's roles. Around this time, an Actor/ Producer named Boris Thomashefsky was in Buenos Aires looking for a child actor for his touring Yiddish Troup. Miriam Lerer, Shifra's older sister, met with Mr. Thomashefsky and recommended he meet Shifra. Miriam added a caveat saying that their father might object. Mr. Thomashefsky reportedly stated, "You bring the girl, I'll deal with the father later."

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Semyon Menyuk: Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor

Semyon's life, filled with resilience and perseverance, is a testament to the undefeatable human spirit amid history's darkest chapters. His story, a potent reminder of the Holocaust's horrors, emphasizes the importance of preserving such narratives to ensure that future generations never forget the atrocities committed against the Jews. While Semyon died in 2009, his memory will forever be in our hearts.

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Mirer Young Men

The Mirer Young Men's Benevolent and Educational Society was organized July 5, 1903. "Mirer" refers to the town of Mir in Eastern Europe. Mir was founded in the mid 1300's, sometime before 1345. Jews first started settling in the town in the 1600's. The Jewish population in Mir grew rapidly and by the later half of the seventeenth century, the city was noted as having a large Jewish population. Starting around this time, many of the townspeople were traders and merchants, including many in the town's Jewish population. Later in 1815 marked the opening of the Mir Yeshiva. After its opening many of Mir's Jews made money lodging its students. By the end of the 1800's, the town's population was more than half Jews. ~Blog Writtten by Emily Hazy

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Max Kaufman: A Journey Around the World to Escape

The life of Max Kaufmann is not one like the many others who have gone through the Holocaust; however, it is one of a man who persevered to accomplish his dream and escape the horrors that was the Holocaust. Max was born in Kippenheim, Germany, a town not good for the Jews during the rise of Hitler. He knew it was time to leave when he was beaten up on his way to the movies one night. It was this turn of events that led Max to begin his journey to Frankenthal, where he worked at his father's business selling flowers. He was then again met with antisemitism when his customers refused to buy from him because of his Jewish identity. He began a year of traveling through South America to reach his goal of getting to the United States.

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Joseph Goldberg: Polish Holocaust Survivor

Joseph Goldberg had been through a lot, from the comfort of his home to the barbed wire walls of the concentration camps. Joseph was a lone wolf, fighting to survive all the harsh conditions he constantly faced throughout his time in the Holocaust. He started going to work on behalf of his father and ended up being separated from his entire family. The childhood of Joseph is one unlike any person could ever even fathom. The horrors of his story began in Szyszki and continued until Theresienstadt, where he was ultimately liberated. In the concentration camps, there was no thought of what life would look like in the future, but how could a person survive the day? Jospeh's one goal throughout his time in the Holocaust was: "I must make it to tomorrow," An eerie thought that no person should ever have to endure.

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Rabbi Louis Ginzberg: Conserving Tradition

Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, born in 1873 in Kaunas, Lithuania, was a prominent Talmudist, Halakhic scholar, and Kabbalist master. He studied at various universities and was a pioneer of the conservative movement, previously known as the Positive-Historical School. Ginzberg believed that the authority of Jewish law came from divine revelation on Mount Sinai and the historical continuity of its observance. He emphasized understanding the historical context of Jewish practices, encouraging critical engagement with traditional texts while remaining rooted in faith. Ginzberg's teachings at the Jewish Theological Seminary influenced two generations of Conservative rabbis and his works, such as the Legend of the Jews and the Commentary on the Jerusalem Talmud, are still highly regarded.

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Ilona Gluck: Auschwitz Survivor

From being brought into a great family surrounded by friendly people to being forced into the ghettos, Ilona Gluck is no stranger to the world's harshness. Ilona was taken from the comfort of her home and cast into the concentration camps, where she would call her home for months. No one could have imagined the horrors that awaited them at Auschwitz.

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Ignac Varkonyi: Hungarian Holocaust Survivor

October 22, 1941, was the day that would change Ignac's life forever, although he did not know that at the time. This day would mark the transition from home to the labor camps. No one would have imagined this would be the start of 48 months of intense labor and harsh conditions that no human should ever endure. He recalls the yellow bands the Jews had to wear to show they were Jewish.

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Samuel Schenkein: WWII Army Veteran

Samuel was born in Woodhaven, New York and went on the serve in World War II in the Army. He served from March 28, 1941 to June 21, 1945. Samuel served as an ammunition handler, He was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign medal, a Bronze Service Star, Good Conduct medal, American Defense Service medal, WWII Victory medal, and an Honorable Service lapel button. ~Contributed by Sheila Cavell

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Arkady Levin: WWII Veteran and Hero

Arkady was born on January 21, 1922 in Rogachev Belorusha and at the age of 19 he graduated from an Aviation Academy in Borisogleb, Belorusha and enlisted in the air force as a fighter pilot as soon as the war broke out in 1941.

  • Published: Wednesday, June 28, 2023
  • Category: Veteran
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Yiddish Theatrical: Annual Ceremony

Dear Members and Friends, The Yiddish Theatrical Alliance and the Yiddish Artists & Friends- Actors Club invite you and all lovers of Yiddish theater, music and song to join us at our annual memorial ceremony at the Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, NY on Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 12 noon (rain or shine). ALL LOVERS OF YIDDISH THEATER ARE INVITED. Zayt gezunt, Corey (Gedalye) Breier President

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Courage & Love: Jeanne Manford

Jeanne Sobelson Manford was an American schoolteacher and activist. She co-founded the support group organization, PFLAG, for which she was awarded the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medal.

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Alex Spieler: World War II Veteran

Alex Spieler, was born in Brooklyn. His mother was from Austria and his father was Russian Slavic. He worked as a shoe salesman and registered for Army. He was an artillery expert who was a Purple Heart recipient. He was station at Fort Sill and his only son Robert was born there and when Robert was 2 1⁄2 years old he was sent to a Fort in California.

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The Zwanitzer Podolier Sick and Benevolent Society

The Zwanitzer Podolier Sick and Benevolent Society was founded by immigrants from what is now Zhavanets, Ukraine to subsidize burials and run charitable events. Members were likely either immigrants from the province of Podolier in the Russian Empire themselves or had parents from Podolier. The region experienced significant emigration in the late 1800's and early 1900's, which greatly decreased the Jewish population of Ukraine. Before this large-scale emigration and the devastation of the holocaust in the 1930's and 40's, more than a quarter of the world's Jewish population lived in Ukraine, with most of these people speaking Yiddish. ~Blog Written by Emily Hazy

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Ralph Lemkin: Coining the Word Genocide

Raphael Lemkin was a Polish lawyer who coined the term genocide. Growing up, he was constantly interested in stories of ethnic and religious discrimination. He was also highly mindful of pogroms committed against Jews. Then, when Lemkin was in his 20s studying law, he discovered that the Ottoman Empire had massacred Armenians during World War I, an event now known as the Armenian Genocide. His conviction that international law should prohibit the annihilation of groups was motivated by his horror at historical and modern instances of group-targeted mass violence. Lemkin believed the suffering of Jews in eastern Poland was a component of a greater pattern of injustice and violence that went back in time and spread around the globe. ~Blog Written by Priya Perumal

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Memorial Day & The History of the Poppy Flower

As Memorial Day approaches, red poppies begin to make their annual appearance, especially pinned to people's lapels, tote bags or even hats. These colorful flowers, often made of fabric or crepe paper honor and memorialize fallen soldiers, as well as serving as a fundraiser to support our nation's war veterans. The red poppy officially became the national emblem of remembrance in 1920, but the resilient little flower's roots run deep, all the way back to the battlefields of World War I, where they grew in the unlikeliest of places.

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Memorial Day Tribute

We are honored at Mount Hebron Cemetery to be the final resting place for over 1,800 Veterans. We have identified over 500 who died in service of our country. Please join us on a photographical journey in remembrance of the brave men and women who selflessly defended our country and gave their lives for more than a century who rest with us. We will always be proud of the heroes within our gates and are dedicated to preserving their legacy. We owe an immeasurable debt to our veterans, to the fallen, and to the families who love them. Just as our servicemen and women have taken care of us, we must also take care of them. It is our sacred duty as a country to honor them and remember their sacrifice.

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Ida Kaminska: In the Shadow of World War II

Ida Kaminska was born on September 18, 1899, in the Russian Empire in Odessa (modern-day Ukraine) to Ester-Rokhl Kaminska and Avrom-Yitskhok (Abraham Isaac) Kaminski . Her parents were both stage actors of considerable note, with her mother, called by Ida, "the Jewish Eleonora Duse" . Esther was a profound influence on her daughter. Esther began acting in 1888 in her husband's acting company and was well renowned for her performances in the plays of Jacob Gordin. Her impact on Abraham Isaac's company should be understated, in fact,Esther later purchased Abraham's theatre and continued to support his productions . In total, Abraham Isaac and Esther had 3 children, Ida, Regina Kaminska, also an actress, and Joseph Kaminska, a composer. ~Blog Written by Julian Christy

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Workmen's Circle

Founded in 1892 and nationalized in 1900, the Workmen's Circle (now known as the Worker's Circle) is a nonprofit originally set up as a mutual aid organization which also provided health and death benefits. The society, initially known by its Yiddish name Der Arbeter Ring, was founded in an apartment at 151 Essex Street in New York City. The organization was created in the late 1800's in response to the hardships faced by newly arrived Jewish immigrants. These problems included ones previously faced in their home countries such as exploitative business practices and poor living conditions. These were compounded with new challenges such as integrating into a new country while maintaining traditions. Consequently, the Worker's Circle is historically associated with Jewish Unions and Socialist ideals. Early members and applicants were required to be union members and were expected to vote along pro-labor lines. ~Blog Written by Emily Hazy

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Mikhail Gorelick:WWII Veteran & Holocaust Survivor

Please join us in in experiencing the first hand testimony of Mikhail Gorelik in honor of Victory Day. He was both a Veteran and Holocaust survivor. We wish to thank his daughter, Svetlana Mazer, for sharing his harrowing story of survival and bravery so that we may educate the community about his contribution to our rich history to our culture. May his memory be a blessing.

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Jack Gilford: Through the Years

Gilford would become well known for his impressions, comedy routines and physical humor. These skills were no doubt developed while he was working as a Master of Ceremonies and doing Broadway acting. Even into his later career these skills proved useful as a comedic actor. Jack Gilford was known for his unique style of comedy, which was characterized by his distinctive voice, expressive face, and impeccable timing. His humor was often self-deprecating and centered on his own experiences as a Jewish-American, but he also had a talent for finding the humor in everyday situations and human folly. Jacks' roots in the entertainment industry were in Vaudeville, Yiddish theatre, and Burlesque performances. ~Blog Written by Julian Christy

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Rabbi Eugene Kohn & the Reconstructionist Movement

Rabbi Eugene Kohn, a founder of the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement and managing editor of its periodical, The Reconstructionist, until he retired in 1960, died yesterday at the Geriatric Center of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, Queens, where he had lived for the last year. He was 90 years old. Rabbi Kohn, whose specialty was religious philosophy, was co‐editor of prayer books published by the movement and wrote a number of books, including "Religious Humanism," "Good to Be a Jew," "The Future of Judaism in America" and "A Manual for Teaching Biblical History." Unlike the three main branches of Judaism, the Reconstructionist movement stresses the cultural and communal unity of Judaism, rather than its theology. An offshoot of Conservative Judaism, the movement has 10,000 members around the country 4nd founded its own rabbinical college in Philadelphia in 1968. ~Blog Written by Priya Perumal

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Freedom Benevolent Society

Located on Block 25, Reference 17 is the Freedom Benevolent Society. Initially founded as the Erster Kaiser Franz Josef Kranken Unterstutzungs Verein (First Franz Joseph Sick and Benevolent Society) the Freedom Benevolent Society was founded in 1882 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan by Jewish immigrants from Austria-Hungary. The initial name paid homage to the emperor of Austria-Hungary at the time of the society's founding, before it was renamed in 1940. It is likely that the original members of the organization were from German-speaking communities, given that some early records of the club were written in German. The society was all male. However, it was apparently associated with the Franz Joseph Ladies Sick and Benevolent Society. Less information is known about this society, but it operated at least in the 1930s and 40s. It is likely that the society operated before this, as the earliest death date for a society member buried at Mount Hebron is 1900. The last society member buried in Mount Hebron died in 1991.

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J. Edward Bromberg & The Era of Blacklisting

Joseph Edward Bromberg was a Hungarian-born American character actor in motion picture and stage productions dating mostly from the 1930s and 1940s.He was involved with the era of blacklisting actors who were accused of communism. He now rests at Mount Hebron Cemetery. ~Blog Written by Julian Christy

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Cantor Samuel Vigoda

Samuel Vigoda is generally considered to be one of the last of the star Chazanim of the "Golden Age".Samuel Vigoda lived well into his nineties, and was feted by Chazanim until the very end of his life. He travelled extensively, giving concerts in practically every large city in the United States and Canada. He was a composer, as well as a performer, and left behind some treasured recordings of his remarkable singing. ~Blog Written by Priya Permal

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Fred Lebow: Founder of the NYC Marathon

Fred Lebow was a runner, race director, and founder of the New York City Marathon. When the New York City Marathon began in 1970 it only had 55 finishers. Through his innovation and passion, it became one of the biggest marathons in the world, with a record 52,000 finishers in 2018. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron. Post Written by Rene Yaroshevsky

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Rebecca Sebar: The Price of a Pint of Blood

In the July of 1949 the names Rebecca and Albert Sebar made headlines because of their heartbreaking story. The Sebar siblings’ parents immigrated from Turkey and resided in the Bronx. Rebecca, just five years old, had been diagnosed with leukemia and needed blood transfusions every day. Her brother Albert, barely an adult at the age of eighteen, would donate blood as often as he could and convinced his friends to donate as well. He would also spend all the money he had on blood for their little girl. When the donations and money depleted, Albert, along with his friend Emanuel Buffa, resorted to crime to save his sister. They were arrested after breaking into a stationary store on March 24th, 1949. ~Blog Written by Elisheva Schuster

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Tuba Zisman: Ukrainian Labor Activist

Tuba’s life represented the dynamic nature of the Jewish world in the twentieth century, which saw great changes in the Soviet Union and suffered the Holocaust. As a socialist, Tuba sought to uplift the conditions of the workers at her factory. As a family woman, she supported the growth of the Yaroshevsky and Zisman families with an everlasting love for Galina, Simon, Alex, Richard, Boris, and Evgeny. Her Jewish heritage is honored. ~Blog Written by Rene Yaroshevsky

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Bertha Kalich

Bertha Kalich was a Ukrainian-Jewish-American actress. Though she was well-established as an entertainer in Eastern Europe, she is best remembered as one of the several "larger-than-life" figures that dominated New York stages during the "Golden Age" of American Yiddish Theatre during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Historians estimate that, during her career, Kalich performed more than 125 different roles in seven different languages.

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Alan King: Actor & Humanitarian

Alan King was an American actor and comedian known for his biting wit and often angry humorous rants. King became well known as a Jewish comedian and satirist. He was also a serious actor who appeared in a number of movies and television shows. King wrote several books, produced films, and appeared in plays.

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Walter Fuchs: Through His Eyes

Walter J Fuchs was an official U.S. Army Photographer and served in the 40th Infantry Division. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemetery. Please join us on a photographic journey of his time during his service.

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Yiddish Theatrical Annual Ceremony

The Yiddish Theatrical Alliance and the Yiddish Artists & Friends- Actors Club invite you and all lovers of Yiddish theater,music and song to join us at our annual memorial ceremony at the Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing,NY on Sunday,September 11, 2022 at 12 noon (rain or shine). We will gather on the grounds of the Yiddish Theatrical Alliance,Block 67. The vast majority of the actors,composers, orchestra leaders,musicians and all other theater family of the Yiddish stage are interred on these grounds. Cantor Moishe Bear will officiate. Joining us will be one of the most popular klezmer clarinetests,composers and Yiddish theater musical stars, ZISL SLEPOVITCH, who will dedicate a musical tribute to the luminaries of the Yiddish stage. We are offering free round trip bus transportation from Manhattan to those interested.The bus will depart at 11 AM sharp from the Hebrew Actors Union building, 31 East 7th Street (betw.2nd & 3rd Ave.) NYC Bus reservations must be made in advance as there is limited seating. Call (917) 376-4969 and leave your name and contact number. ALL LOVERS OF YIDDISH THEATER ARE INVITED. Zayt gezunt, Corey (Gedalye) Breier

  • Published: Friday, September 2, 2022
  • Category: News
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Julius Schwartz: Comic Book Editor

Julius "Julie" Schwartz was a comic book editor, and a science fiction agent and prominent fan. He was born in The Bronx, New York. He is best known as a longtime editor at DC Comics, where at various times he was primary editor over the company's flagship superheroes, Superman and Batman. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemetery.

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Meyer Posner: Virtuoso

Meyer “Meir” Posner (November 6, 1890 – February 8, 1931) was a music director, conductor, composer, choral director, and educator. Posner was a man of many titles. He started young, learned efficiently, and went on to plant his legacy. He lived a young yet fulfilling life. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemetery.

Dr. Max Warmbrand: A Pioneer in Nutrition

Max Warmbrand, who advocated fruits, vegetables, sun and exercise in his books and lectures on nutrition was a major force in the medical world with his insights on good health discovered through his own ailments. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemey

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A Historical Look at Freemasons

The history of Freemasons is global and well known. However, the role of Jewish people in this fraternal organization has a long standing tradition. Please come with us on a journey through our world, national and cemetery history at Mount Hebron.

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Frances Irwin: Sole Survivor & Child of Auschwitz

Despite all the evil and hatred she faced, Frances Irwin never lost her faith in humanity. In fact, she chose to focus on the good that she could find in her others. Additionally, she heeded her father’s advice and was a good, caring person. Her extraordinary life, as a survivor, educator, and philanthropist and is one that everyone can be inspired by.

  • Published: Friday, July 29, 2022
  • Category: Survivors
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Judge Nathan Perlman

We implore you to read the story of how the law intermingled with the criminal elements in New York as a true testament to the solidarity of the Jewish people during this horrific time in history. May the memory of Judge Nathan Perlman not only be one of law and order but also of perseverance against Nazi forces attempting to infiltrate their sick ideology into our great city.

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Cassrell Freidberg

Corporal Cassrell Freidberg was a World War II Army Veteran who also served in the Drum and Bugle Corps. He was in Company D, 2nd Battalion. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemetery. May his service and legacy be a blessing to us all.


Seymour Rechtzeit: Yiddish Theater Pioneer

Seymour Rexite, also known as Seymour Rechtzeit (Jan 18, 1910, OR 1911 – Oct 14, 2002), was a Polish American actor, singer, and pioneer of the American Yiddish Theater. He began as a child singing wunderkind, dazzling everyone who heard him perform. He starred and performed on radio shows for several decades throughout his career, served on Yiddish airwaves, and even sang for President Calvin Coolidge. Rexite's passion, talent, and ability to reinvent himself led to a legendary career spanning several decades. ~Blog Written by Brandon Castro

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Milton Sachs: Lt. Colonel Army Medical Corps

Milton Sachs was a Bronx native who attended medical school and served in the Army Medical Corps during WWII. His legacy is blessing to our country, his family and our community here at Mount Hebron. ~Blog Written by Michael Ackermann

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Herman Wohl: Yiddish Theater Composer

Herman Wohl (September 1, 1876 - October 10, 1936) was a prolific Jewish-American composer, director, and songwriter celebrated for his prominence during the early stages of American Yiddish Theater. His work made many people recognize Yiddish Theater. His career followed the rising trends of American Yiddish Theater in the early twentieth century. His life's work continues to influence many future actors and musicians. ~Blog Written by Brandon Castro

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David Traub: A Casualty of Animosity

We implore you to discover more about the tragic and mysterious passing of David Traub, an Army veteran who as killed at the age of 21. May his memory and life be a blessing to all. ~Blog Written by Michael Ackermann

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Marvin Weiss: WWII and the USS Northland

Marvin Weiss was an electrician in the Coast Guard on the USS Northland, which was later named "The Jewish State" or " Medinat Yehudim" in Hebrew. His amazing legacy was shared in his words from his family. We thank the Weiss family very much for sharing a his story of bravery and resilience. His memory is a blessing to all. ~Blog Written by Michael Ackermann

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Renee Meckler:Tragedy at Willowbrook State School

Without knowing its name, you have probably heard of the infamous Willowbrook State School. Renee Meckler, the daughter of Ethel Meckler, was both mentally disabled and physically handicapped. She resided at Willowbrook State School until her death due to strangulation on June 21, 1965. ~Blog Written by Maya Mehrara

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Michael Rabin: American Classical Violinist

Michael Rabin (May 2, 1936 - Jan 19, 1972) was an American classical violinist renowned and remembered for his talent and his tragic and inspiring story. Rabin was a marvel at the violin from a very young age. He dedicated much of his life to get better at his craft. But, unfortunately, his rising stardom, fame, and lifestyle clashed with his waning health. ~Blog Written by Brandon Castro

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Sergi Dovlatov: Writer

Sergei Dovlatov wasa leading Soviet emigre writer noted for the laconic irony and graceful irreverence of his stories about his homeland. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron.

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Fred Lebow: Founder of the NYC Marathon

Fred Lebow was a runner, race director, and founder of the New York City Marathon. When the New York CIty Marathon began in 1970 it only had 55 finishers. Through his innovation and passion, it became one of the biggest marathons in the world, with a record 52,000 finishers in 2018. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron.

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Nina Eaton:Cerebral Palsy Advocate and UCP Founder

In 1941, with the birth of her son Leonard, Nina Eaton found herself propelled into a lifetime of challenge, triumph, uncertainties and opportunities, heartbreak and hope, but mostly of achievement. Through her own experiences she selflessly chose to help others by creating the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation.

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Herman Yablokoff: A Master of Yiddish Theater

Yablokoff had a fabled career and life. His performances, songs, and plays influenced many generations, and many are still moved by his work today. His performances to over 180,000 Jewish refugees deserve all the praise and celebration in the world. Yablokoff's story and legacy should be shared and remembered forever. ~Written by Brandon Castro

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Alexander Olshanetsky: Second Avenue Composer

Alexander Olshanetsky was one of the most prominent and prolific Second Avenue composers and conductors, and one of the musically most sophisticated exemplars of the Yiddish theater. He now rests with us at Mount Hebron Cemetery. ~Blog Written by Brandon Castro

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Mount Hebron: Holocaust Memorials

Mount Hebron Cemetery, in Flushing, NY is the final resting place for a quarter million extraordinary individuals. The Cemetery is home to over 1,200 societies. Many of these societies were born from emmigration from Eastern Europe to America after World War II. We have several Holocaust Memorial monuments on these grounds that pay tribute and honor to those who lost their lives.

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Victor Huppert: Holocaust Survivor

Victor Huppert was born in Austria and became a Prisoner of War during the Russian Revolution and was released. During the rise of Anti-Semitism in he attended Medical school with the help of a Catholic Priest. He went on to become a doctor in a Russian work camp rather than be sent to Germany and travelled the world to survive the Holocaust.

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Joseph Rumshinsky: Prodigy to Pioneer

Joseph Rumshinsky was a Jewish conductor, lyricist, director, and composer. Rumshinsky is celebrated among the greatest American Yiddish musical composers, even being considered one of the Big Four composers of his period. He transformed Yiddish theater, made it a part of his life, and took it with him. ~Blog Written by Brandon Castro

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Alfred Eisenstaedt: Famous Photojournalist

Alfred Eisenstaedt was a German-born American photographer and photojournalist. He began his career in Germany prior to World War II but achieved prominence as a staff photographer for Life magazine after moving to the U.S.

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Veterans Day Tribute

The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men. ~Minot J. Savage Tribute video created by lead Veteran researcher, Michael Ackermann.

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Bernard Gofryd

Gotfryd was a Holocaust survivor. The Germans overran his Polish hometown of Radom days after World War II started. As a photo lab apprentice he photographed the atrocities of the Nazi's. He survived six concentration camps. He then immigrated to America and joined the Army as a photojournalist. His stone reads, "I could not remain silent".

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The Life and Legacy of Stefan Adelipour

On November 19, 1984, the world gained an angel, even if only for twenty-two years. Stephen, known as Stefan, Adelipour was a bright light whose ambition could not be diminished. A friend to all who were lucky enough to meet him in the hallways or on the streets, Stefan was a truly kind soul. A lover of people and life, he was outgoing and outrageously funny. Blog written by Maya Mehrera.

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Murder, Inc. :

Abraham "Abe" Landau was the chief henchman for New York gangster Dutch Schultz. Landau was Schultz's most trusted employee, often given tasks that required coolness and cunning rather than gunfire and brutality. It is very likely that he never actually killed anyone during his gang years.

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Editorial: The Legacy of A Veteran

Please read this beautifully written editorial from Hannah Berman, an intern who researched veterans. She shares the unique experience of studying veterans through the lens of a religious upbringing.

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Rabbi Solomon Schechter

Solomon Schechter was outstanding authority on the Talmud, and a researcher who discovered important ancient documents. He was also a leader of Conservative Judaism in the United States.

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Persian Persistence in America

This blog encompasses the story of a an Persian American family and their ancestors who rest with us at Mount Hebron. It is a touching story written by, our Legacy Project intern, Maya Mehrera about her grandmother's legacy of love and family tradition. .

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Madeline Lee Gilford

Madeline Lee Gilford was an American film and stage actress and social activist, who later enjoyed a career as a theatrical producer. Gilford was married, secondly, to actor Jack Gilford from 1949 until his death in 1990.

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Temima Gezari

Temima Gezari was an American artist and art educator. Her life's work in painting and sculpture is presented in the photographic retrospective The Art of Temima Gezari, edited by her son, Daniel Gezari.

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