Hebron's Stories
If a story is important, then it must be told. We can portray dreams of what the future may hold, or allow introspection on what has occurred in the past. A story is a narrative that can relay lessons and warnings. A story can teach us about hope and remind us how important and meaningful our lives are. We are unearthing stories about those buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery.
Rabbi and historian Ismar Elbogen was born in Schildberg (Ostrzeszow, Poland) in 1874. He studied in Breslau at the University and at the Juedisch-theologisches Seminar, receiving his doctorate in 1898 and his rabbinical ordination the following year. Elbogen taught at the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano in Florence from 1899 to 1902 and at the Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin from 1902 to 1938, when he emigrated to the United States. Elbogen was the author of Jewish Liturgy- A Comprehensive History, which was, at the time, the most thorough academic study of Jewish Liturgy ever written. ~Blog by Renee Meyers
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She was insistent on decorating the Jewish Theological Seminary's sukkah, which would be named in her memory. She used the status of her husband to encourage and educate Jewish women especially to think forward and on their own terms, keeping a separation of church and state so as not to muddy the two equally important pillars of life.
Blog by Rebecca Winn
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Rabbi Louis Finkelstein was the Chancellor Emeritus of the Jewish Theological Seminary of American and the main leader of conservative Judaism in the 20th Century. As the head of the largest denomination of Judaism in America, Rabbi Finkelstein made such significant accomplishments throughout his life that he became an American celebrity who hob knobbed with religious leaders of many denominations, celebrities as well as US presidents. Rabbi Finkelstein was the advisor to Jewish affairs to President Franklin Roosevelt. He prayed at the inauguration of President Dwight Eisenhower and was invited by President John Kennedy to join the American delegation sent to the Vatican for the installation of Pope Paul Vl. President Richard Nixon invited Rabbi Finkelstein to give a sermon at the White House.
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Rabbi Sidney Kleiman was a Rabbi who was known for his inspiring speeches,community service, and his ability to relate to Jews of all ages and from all walks of life. He was both the longest serving and the oldest active Congregational Rabbi in the United States. Rabbi Kleiman was at thehelm of Congregation Adereth El for close to 60 years. He succeeded in building up the Shul by bringing many people into the fold and introducing
new Congregants to the beauty and faith within the walls
of Adereth El.
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Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, born in 1873 in Kaunas, Lithuania, was a prominent Talmudist, Halakhic scholar, and Kabbalist master. He studied at various universities and was a pioneer of the conservative movement, previously known as the Positive-Historical School. Ginzberg believed that the authority of Jewish law came from divine revelation on Mount Sinai and the historical continuity of its observance. He emphasized understanding the historical context of Jewish practices, encouraging critical engagement with traditional texts while remaining rooted in faith. Ginzberg's teachings at the Jewish Theological Seminary influenced two generations of Conservative rabbis and his works, such as the Legend of the Jews and the Commentary on the Jerusalem Talmud, are still highly regarded.
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Rabbi Eugene Kohn, a founder of the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement and managing editor of its periodical, The Reconstructionist, until he retired in 1960, died yesterday at the Geriatric Center of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, Queens, where he had lived for the last year. He was 90 years old.
Rabbi Kohn, whose specialty was religious philosophy, was co‐editor of prayer books published by the movement and wrote a number of books, including "Religious Humanism," "Good to Be a Jew," "The Future of Judaism in America" and "A Manual for Teaching Biblical History."
Unlike the three main branches of Judaism, the Reconstructionist movement stresses the cultural and communal unity of Judaism, rather than its theology. An offshoot of Conservative Judaism, the movement has 10,000 members around the country 4nd founded its own rabbinical college in Philadelphia in 1968.
~Blog Written by Priya Perumal
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Samuel Vigoda is generally considered to be one of the last of the star Chazanim of the "Golden Age".Samuel Vigoda lived well into his nineties, and was feted by Chazanim until the very end of his life. He travelled extensively, giving concerts in practically every large city in the United States and Canada. He was a composer, as well as a performer, and left behind some treasured recordings of his remarkable singing.
~Blog Written by Priya Permal
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Rabbi Chaim Noach Brevda was an illustrious and eminent Rabbi in the 20th Century who was also a Holocuast Survivor.
Blog written by Chloe Baker.
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Solomon Schechter was outstanding authority on the Talmud, and a researcher who discovered important ancient documents. He was also a leader of Conservative Judaism in the United States.
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