Hebron's Stories
If a story is important, then it must be told. We can portray dreams of what the future may hold, or allow introspection on what has occurred in the past. A story is a narrative that can relay lessons and warnings. A story can teach us about hope and remind us how important and meaningful our lives are. We are unearthing stories about those buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery.
he Chyrower Young Friends Society was established in New York by immigrants hailing from Chyrow (Kyriv, Chirov, Khyrov), Ukraine. It functioned as a burial society, and uses the Beth David, Wellwood, and Mount Hebron cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence dates to the 16th century. The community engaged in craft and trade professions, and was active politically and socially. The establishment of charities, organizations, and schools facilitated cultural growth of the town. The Jewish community of Khyriv perished during the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The 1st Piusker Benevolent Association was founded in New York by immigrants from Piaski Luterskie (Piask), Poland. The society was originally known as the "Ershte-Piasker Kranken Unter-shtitsungs Ferayn", and provided sick and death benefits to its members. The Society uses Washington cemetery in Deans, New Jersey and Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens, New York. Initial Jewish presence in Piask dates to the 17th century. The Jewish population of Piask engaged in commerce and trade professions. Communally speaking, the community was well established, having a synagogue, a cemetery, and becoming industrialized through the influx of factories. During the interwar period, the population suffered heavily from anti-semitic attacks and a worsening economy. German and Soviet forces entered the town in September of 1939. Piasks' Jewish community, as well as some from Germany perished during the Holocaust. By the end of the war, only about 35 had survived. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The First Bukowiner Congregation was established in New York by immigrants hailing from Bukovina (Bukowina), a region today divided between Romania and Ukraine. The earliest Jewish settlement in Bukovina dates to the 14th century. The Jews of Bukovina worked as merchants, craftsmen, and workshop owners, facilitating the economic and industrial growth of the town. The Jewish population of Bukovina rose steadily, with there being over 11,000 by the 1840s. The Jewish community of Bukovina mostly perished in the Holocaust following German and Romanian invasion in 1941. Its survivors emigrated to Israel or the United States. May their memories live on. `Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The 1st Baranower Sick and Benevolent Society was founded in New York by immigrants from Baranow, Poland. Initial Jewish presence dates to around the 14th century, however, due to the political environment at that time, the Jewish population ceased, and was not re-established until the 18th century. Jewish population increased steadily up until the 19th century. A synagogue and cemetery was established sometime in the 18th century. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Jewish community faced severe economic hardships, resulting in mass migrations to neighboring areas and/or overseas. The Jewish community of Baranow perished in the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The Stuchiner Young Men's Society was established in 1948 by immigrants from Szczuczyn, Poland. Initial Jewish settlement dates to the 18th century. The Jews of Szczuczyn engaged in trade and crafts, working as tailors and shoemakers. The town had a synagogue, multiple heders, prayer houses, a Talmud-Torah school, and a Yeshiva. The community also established and maintained many zionist branches and charities, holding classes and helping those in financial need. The Jewish community of Szczuczyn suffered greatly following the German invasion on September 7th, 1939. The memories of Szczuczyns' Jewish community lives on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The First Independent Weislitzer Benevolent Association was founded in 1909 by immigrants hailing from Weislitz (Wislica), Poland. The society, dissolved in 1995, held social events, and provided death and sickness benefits/aid to its members. The society has subsidized burial at the Beth David and Mount Hebron cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence dates to the 16th century. The Jewish community of Wislica engaged in the professions of moneylending and trade, and maintained multiple communal institutions, such as the synagogue, prayer houses, a mikvah, and a cemetery. The Jews of Wislica perished during the Holocaust. Their memories continue to live on.
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The Bobrka Benevolent Society was established by immigrants hailing from Bobrka, Ukraine. Initial Jewish settlement dates to roughly the 15th/16th century. Jewish population in Bobrka increased steadily until the 1890s. By the 1930s, however, due to the surrounding political and economic situation, many emigrated, with about 1800 Jews remaining in 1931. The Jewish community of Bobrka was well established, maintaining its synagogues, heders, Zionists organizations, and engaging as merchants in trade. The Jewish community became the target of attacks during WWI. Bobrka's Jewish community perished following the German invasion in 1941. In 1944, about 40 Jews returned. Their memories live on.
~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The 1st Ottynier Lodge Society was established by immigrants hailing from Ottynia, Ukraine. Initial Jewish presence dates to around 1635. Ottyniers' Jewish population largely engaged in professions as merchants, craftsmen and factory workers. The social and economic situation of Ottyniers' Jews severely worsened at the outbreak of both World Wars. While there is not much information on the situation surrounding Nazi occupation, we know that Ottyniers' Jews, including those from surrounding areas were transported to Stanislawow and/or the Belzec extermination camp. Today, memorials/monuments stand remembering the lives of memories of Ottynia's Jewish community that perished in the Holocaust. Their memories will continue to live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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he Independent Reiziner Society was founded in 1913 by immigrants hailing from Ruzhin, Ukraine. The society provided both sick and death benefits to its members. Subsidized burial can be found at Mt. Hebron Cemetery. While there is no concrete date for initial Jewish presence in Ruzhin, we do know that the town's Jewish cemetery began its burials near the mid-1770s. Ruzhin maintained itself as a communal and industrial town, establishing factories of different sorts and erecting hospitals, churches, synagogues, and educational institutions. During WWI, Ukraine was the target of pogroms, with Ruzhins' Jewish population subsequently decreasing. The Jewish community of Ruzhin perished following the German invasion of the town in July of 1941. Today, monuments located at the German killing sites continue to be visited, and the lives of Ruzhins' Jewish community are remembered.
~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The Adolph Ullman Society was established in 1898. While the society is not connected to a specific town, its members mostly hail from Austria/Hungary and (mostly Eastern) Galicia. Adolph Ullman himself belonged to a prominent business family active in 19th century Hunga-ry.
Jewish life in Austria dates to the tenth century, gaining high recognition by the 1930s for its social and cultural advancements. Following its annexation in 1938, however, the Jewish people were subjected to harsh persecution. By the end of the war, over 65,000 Austrian Jews had per-ished. Following its joining of the Axis Powers in 1940, Jews of Hungary (~500,000) were also subject to persecution and perished. Once having gained full rights following the 1867 constitu-tion, the social, cultural, and religious aspects of Galicia's Jewish community flourished. Today, Galicia lies within the borders of Poland and Ukraine, with its Jewish population largely concentrated towards the East. May their memories live on. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The Glogower "UV" Society was founded in 1896 by immigrants who hailed from Glogow (Glogow Malopolski, Glogau (German)), Poland. It was incorporated in 1937. The society provided sick and death benefits. Subsidized burial can be found at Acadia and Mount Hebron (Cedar Grove) Cemeteries. Initial Jewish presence in Glogow, Poland dates to the 13th century. Up until the 1630s, the Jews of Glogow were targets of libels, attacks, and an expulsion. By the 17th century, there were over 1600 members of the Jewish community of Glogow. This number increased to 1800 by the year 1791. Due to many moving to Wrocuaw (Breslaw) and Berlin, the population decreased to 600 by 1925. The remaining 45 Jews of Glogow all perished during the Holocaust. The community was not reestablished following WWII. A monument stands today in memory of them all. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The first Dimerer Progressive Association was founded in New York (1919) by immigrants hailing from Dymer (Dimer), Ukraine. The society maintained a loan association and helped those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. The earliest known Jewish community in Dymer is known to have existed since/during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth rule. The Jews of Dymer engaged mostly in the areas of trade and craftsmanship. Following the Russian pogroms, the Jewish community decreased significantly. Dymers' entire jewish community perished during German occupation (beginning 1941). Their legacies are carried on by the communal upkeep of the community's Jewish cemetery, and the memorials that have been devoted towards them.~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The Independent Chernolitzer Society was established by immigrants hailing from what is today recognized as Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Prior to the World Wars and during the interwar period, the city passed through the hands of Austrian, Romanian, German and Soviet occupation, resulting in its name changing. This is important to note since birthplaces on official documents reflect the country that was occupying the city at that time. The earliest Jewish community of Chernivtsi dates to 1408. The Jewish community of Chernivtsi contributed greatly to the commercial, political, cultural, and academic growth of the city. Up until the First World War, the population increased steadily, however following the Second World War, its survivors left for Poland, Romania, Palestine, and Israel on travel visas. Today, there are only about 1500 Jews in Chernivtsi, with one functioning synagogue.
~Blog by Olivia Scanlon
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The Independent Kinsker Aid Society was founded in New York in 1904 by immigrants from Konskie, Poland. The society maintained a relief committee after World War II, which aided survivors who came to the U.S. The society also sent food packages to the landslayt in Israel. Research has shown that initial Jewish presence in Konskie began around the 16th century. The Jewish community worked in the areas of trade and craft. Many owned businesses and factories, contributing greatly to the economic and social stability of Konskie. The Jews of Konskie were also involved politically, forming Zionists groups and creating communal organizations. In September of 1939, Germans invaded Poland. A ghetto was established, holding 10,000 Jews (from Konskie and other Polish cities such as Lodz, and Sosnoweic). In November of 1942, the ghetto began to be liquidated. Those who survived the liquidation were sent to the Szydlowiec ghetto. Today, a plaque stands commemorating the lives and memories of Konskies' Jewish community.
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The Adler's Young Mens Independent Association was founded in New York in 1884 by immigrants from Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania. Named after Rabbi Israel Salander Adler, the association provided sick and death benefits, and functioned as a burial society. The society also maintained both a free loan fund and relief fund. The society (dissolved in 2002) uses Mount Hebron Cemetery and Washington Cemetery. Having settled in 1410, the Jews of Kovno engaged in numerous professions and endorsed both religious and cultural life. Many were exiled following the Soviet invasion of Lithuania in June of 1940. After German occupation later that month, about 35,000 people were relocated into the Kovno ghetto. Many were either deported or killed at Fort IX. When the town was liberated by the Soviet Army in August of 1944, only about 500 had survived. We are able to learn of the experiences of those who perished by way of their diary entries, photographs, and drawings. May their memory live on.
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The Bendiner Warschauer Benevolent Society was a burial society founded in New York by immigrants from Warsaw and Bendin (Bedzin), Poland. The society uses both Mt. Hebron cemetery and the Beth-El cemeteries of New York and New Jersey.
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he Pressburger Sick and Benevolent Society was founded in New York by immigrants from Bratislava, Slovakia. The society was dissolved in the 1970s. Jewish presence in Bratislava dates to the 13th century, however due to repeated expulsions, the Jewish community was not able to permanently settle in the town until the 17th century. The Jews of Bratislava flourished in the textile trades, commerce, and moneylending professions. The community established religious and communal institutions such as yeshivas, hospitals, and cemeteries. Charity organizations were also established to help aid those in need. The Jews of Bratislava were very politically involved. Prior to the outbreak of WWII, the Jewish community of Bratislava was subjected to extreme anti-Jewish legislations and decrees. This resulted in the loss of their shops, homes, and livelihoods. The Jewish community of Bratislava perished during the Holocaust. After liberation, the Jewish community was restored, however many began to flee following the Soviet invasion in 1968. By the early 2000's, there were less than 1000 Jews residing in the town.
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The Lomzer Young Men's Benevolent Association was founded in New York in 1898 by immigrants from Lomza, Poland. The society was created as a means to aid landslayts. In 1937, the society joined with four other Lomzer organizations, and together, formed the United Lomzer Relief Committee to aid the inhabitants of Lomza. The society also sponsored loan funds that went towards aiding the poor. Jewish presence in Lomza dates to the 14th century, however due to a "non de tolerandis Judaeis", the Jews of Lomza were only able to begin establishing themselves as a community by the 19th century. They flourished in the trade and artisan professions and created a number of industrial societies. The Jewish community of Lomza equally took part in politics, supporting the Zionist Movement, and creating political organizations to endorse Jewish activism. The community also maintained a number of cultural organizations and institutions such as libraries and theater groups.
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The Makower Young Men's Aid Society was founded by immigrants from Makow, Poland in 1907. The society is affiliated with United Relief, which was established after WWI to help aid "landslayts" (neighboring Jews). It was re-established after 1945 to help aid WWII survivors. The Jews of Makow made a comfortable living by engaging in the trade and artisan professions. Communally, they established two cemeteries, synagogues, schools for the youths, libraries, and a cultural/education theater program. Despite the economic and political environment of the 1930s, the Jews of Makow maintained their own, engaging in the growing Zionist efforts and creating societies. The ~4000 Jews of Makow perished in the Holocaust, but their memories live on.
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The first Radomer Congregation was founded in New York in 1903 by immigrants from Radom, Poland. In 1917, the society founded the United Radomer Relief for U.S. and Canada. Although they began residing in the town in the 1560s, permission to do so was repeatedly revoked. It was not until 1814 that the Jews of Radom were able to live and move freely within the town. The community was then able to establish itself more concretely, beginning the works for a cemetery, a synagogue, a hospital, and other communal institutions. The Jewish community made their living in the trade, artisan, and banking professions. They also facilitated and contributed to the industrialization of the town through an influx of factories. Many left Radom and Poland in the 1930s due to pogroms and a worsening economy. Following the German invasion in 1939, almost 32,000 Jews (Radom and neighboring towns) perished in the Holocaust. In 1965, only 7 of Radom's Jews remained in the town.
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he Independent Kutner Young Men's Benevolent Association was established in 1903 in New York by immigrants from Kutno, Poland. The society provided death benefits and welfare aid to its members. The society uses Mount Hebron cemetery, Cedar Grove cemetery, and the Wellwood cemeteries of Queens and Babylon. While the town's history dates to the 14th century, documentation marks Jewish presence to the 15th century. Professions in crafts and trade were prominent among the Jews of Kutno. Despite their communal-restricted lifestyle, the Jewish community flourished, holding weekly fairs, establishing schools, promoting communal infrastructure, and forming unions. During the twentieth century, the Jews of Kutno involved themselves politically by taking part in government elections and Zionists organizations. From September of 1939 to March of 1942, the Germans implemented the harsh treatment and mass executions of Kutno's Jews. By the end of the war, only 213 Jews from Kutno had survived.
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The First Ostrowzer Young Men's Benevolent Society, founded by immigrants from Ostrovtse (Ostrowiec), Poland, was created in New York around 1910. The society was dissolved in 2001. Dating their initial presence in the 17th century, the Jewish community of Ostrowiec was economically and communally comfortable. With their own synagogue, a cemetery, and the effects of industrialization, the community grew. Their participation in the 19th century uprisings and Zionists movements allowed the Ostroweic Jews to establish themselves politically. The weakened economy of Poland during World War I resulted in many fleeing abroad. The town of Ostroweic was captured by the Germans following their invasion of Poland in 1939. When the town was liberated by the Red Army in 1945, only 193 Jews remained, with over 10,000 having perished in the labor and concentration camps.
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The First Zabna Congregation (Erste Zabner Congregation Bnei Shulem David) was founded in New York by immigrants from Żabno, Poland. The society was founded in 1922, and dissolved in 1999. When Jews first settled in the town of Żabno, they were given a number of privileges, such as permission to open/run their businesses, engage in local trade, and have their own place of worship. This allowed them to develop themselves as a community and flourish. Throughout the 18th and 19th century, the Jewish population of Żabno was contingent upon Poland's economy. The 20th century marks the steady decline of Żabno's Jewish population as a result of extreme poverty and devastation from both World Wars. As a result, many Jews left the town, either traveling overseas or settling in nearby areas like Denmark and Saxony.
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The Kossuth Ferencz Hungarian Literary, Sick, and Benevolent Association was founded in 1904 to help Jewish immigrants from Hungary who settled in New York City. Through membership dues and fundraising events, the group was able to help newcomers make a smoother transition to life in America with affordable medical attention, social activities, literacy assistance, and burial arrangements. This non-profit society, later incorporated as the Kossuth Association of New York, was named for a former Minister of Commerce in Hungary who, like his father Lajos Kossuth, was a dedicated advocate for Hungarian independence. Since Mount Hebron was established, nearly 600 members and their relatives have been buried in the Kossuth Association section, which features stately pillars and gates honoring the group's male and female leaders, all immigrants themselves. - Written by Marian Burk Wood, a descendant of Kossuth founders.
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The Mirer Young Men's Benevolent and Educational Society was organized July 5, 1903. "Mirer" refers to the town of Mir in Eastern Europe. Mir was founded in the mid 1300's, sometime before 1345. Jews first started settling in the town in the 1600's. The Jewish population in Mir grew rapidly and by the later half of the seventeenth century, the city was noted as having a large Jewish population. Starting around this time, many of the townspeople were traders and merchants, including many in the town's Jewish population. Later in 1815 marked the opening of the Mir Yeshiva. After its opening many of Mir's Jews made money lodging its students. By the end of the 1800's, the town's population was more than half Jews.
~Blog Writtten by Emily Hazy
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The Zwanitzer Podolier Sick and Benevolent Society was founded by immigrants from what is now Zhavanets, Ukraine to subsidize burials and run charitable events. Members were likely either immigrants from the province of Podolier in the Russian Empire themselves or had parents from Podolier. The region experienced significant emigration in the late 1800's and early 1900's, which greatly decreased the Jewish population of Ukraine. Before this large-scale emigration and the devastation of the holocaust in the 1930's and 40's, more than a quarter of the world's Jewish population lived in Ukraine, with most of these people speaking Yiddish.
~Blog Written by Emily Hazy
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Founded in 1892 and nationalized in 1900, the Workmen's Circle (now known as the Worker's Circle) is a nonprofit originally set up as a mutual aid organization which also provided health and death benefits. The society, initially known by its Yiddish name Der Arbeter Ring, was founded in an apartment at 151 Essex Street in New York City. The organization was created in the late 1800's in response to the hardships faced by newly arrived Jewish immigrants. These problems included ones previously faced in their home countries such as exploitative business practices and poor living conditions. These were compounded with new challenges such as integrating into a new country while maintaining traditions. Consequently, the Worker's Circle is historically associated with Jewish Unions and Socialist ideals. Early members and applicants were required to be union members and were expected to vote along pro-labor lines.
~Blog Written by Emily Hazy
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Located on Block 25, Reference 17 is the Freedom Benevolent Society. Initially founded as the Erster Kaiser Franz Josef Kranken Unterstutzungs Verein (First Franz Joseph Sick and Benevolent Society) the Freedom Benevolent Society was founded in 1882 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan by Jewish immigrants from Austria-Hungary. The initial name paid homage to the emperor of Austria-Hungary at the time of the society's founding, before it was renamed in 1940. It is likely that the original members of the organization were from German-speaking communities, given that some early records of the club were written in German. The society was all male. However, it was apparently associated with the Franz Joseph Ladies Sick and Benevolent Society. Less information is known about this society, but it operated at least in the 1930s and 40s. It is likely that the society operated before this, as the earliest death date for a society member buried at Mount Hebron is 1900. The last society member buried in Mount Hebron died in 1991.
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